Algebra and Logic

Spring Meeting 2013

Abstracts and Slides

George Metcalfe

Ordered Algebras and Logic

These are the slides to George Metcalfe's gentle introduction to the theory of algebraizable logics. In a later part, residuated lattices and substructural logics are treated as examples.

Leonardo Cabrer

Geometry of Łukasiewicz Infinite-Valued Logic

Leonardo Cabrer presented another example of algebraizable logics. He explained that Łukasiewicz infinitary logic is not only related to MV-algebras, but also admits of a geometrical counterpart.


The Spring Meeting 2013 took place in Bern on the 2nd of May. It was devoted to Algebra and Logic and brought together young researchers from Switzerland with various interests in logic. The afternoon started with a tutorial given by George Metcalfe. He first gave a gentle introduction to the theory of algebraizable logics, emphasizing the mutual benefits of this fruitful link between logic and algebra, or even logic and mathematics. In a second step, he exemplified this complementary nature in the context of residuated lattices and substructural logics. The workshop resumed after a break with some home-cooked cakes and pastries. Daniela Petrişan explained in her talk how the semantic for modal logics can advantageously be formulated in categorical terms by means of co-algebras. After this excursion in the framework of category theory, Leonardo M. Cabrer presented an other example of algebraizable logic. He explained that Łukasiewicz infinitary logic is not only related to MV-algebras, but also admits of a geometrical counterpart. The diverse backgrounds and the genuine interest of the participants made possible rich and interdisciplinary discussions. This get-together concluded with a dinner followed by a drink in an enjoyable atmosphere.

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